Vanilla ice cream 

Vanilla ice cream


Two bowls of double cream, two bowls of milk, four eggs, separate the yolks, three quarters of a bowl of sugar, vanilla essence as required.


Put the milk and cream in a non-stick pan and cook on medium heat and mix with a wooden spoon. In a bowl, add the egg yolks, vanilla essence and sugar and beat well, then add the cream and half a cup of the milk mixture to the yolks. Put it in and mix it well with the batter. After that, add the yolk mixture to the mixture while it is heating in the saucepan and cook it for eight minutes on low heat. Remove the pan from the stove. Sift the mixture into the mold and cover it and put it in the freezer. After that, take it out and beat it with batter and put it in the freezer again for six to eight hours. The delicious ice cream is ready.